
Mobile torrentry

Posted on Jan 14, 2008 j2me programming

After owning a motorola v3x for the better part of a year it finally dawned upon me the other day that it runs Java applications therefore because I know java (well I hadn’t written any in over a year, but hey its like learning to ride a bike right?) I could write an application for my phone. Turns out it was pretty easy to do, I just downloaded the Motorola Java ME SDK v6.4 for Motorola OS Products which includes a plugin for the java eclipse 3.2 IDE and I was able to use the software simulator (image below) to debug and test before deploying onto an actual mobile device.

So with everything set up I needed an idea for an application, my first thought was toward some sort of remote control device for my PC, this idea eventually morphed into a mobile monitor/control for bittorrent downloads. Since my phone is capable of making http requests It would be a matter of writing or finding a server application that my phone could interact with which would in turn control the bittorrent client.

I already have utorrent set up as a service on a dedicated machine, so It was a matter of finding something a way to expose utorrents functionality to the web, luckily for me utorrent has a webUI component that allows you to view and control your torrents via a web page from anywhere in the world. So far, so good, but it gets even better. The webui also has an API which returns data in JSON format.

So with utorrent and the webui all set up (heres a good guide here) all I had to do was write an application which called the utorrent API and boom, remote torrent action on your mobile! Of course it was easier said than done, but on the whole J2ME was pretty easy going and it didn’t take long to write the mobile client. The most difficult part was writing a J2ME compatible API for accessing the utorrent webui web services. Below are a few screenshots of the finished application.

You can download the application here The source is also available here

c# project dependancy visualization

Posted on Dec 16, 2007 dotnet programming

Have you ever wanted a way to quickly visualize the overall architecture of a c# solution in the form of some sort of pretty diagram?

Well I had that thought yesterday, and figured that there must be some free tool out there that can take a solution file or directory and build a graph of all the underlying project files and dependancies. However to my dismay I found that there were no such tools (or they were commercial products or were completely over the top for what I wanted) so I decided to roll my own :)

The end result is an app which builds a graph of all the projects and dependancies in a directory (plus its subdirectories) as well as the relative sizes of those projects. In addition the graph is fully moveable by the mouse and all the nodes and points behave with realistic physics (I reused my Tarantula physics engine developed a while back)


The app is written in c# 2.0 and is available in binary or source code form (under the conditions of the MIT license)

Download the source here

Mapping boost::signals to .net events

Posted on Nov 24, 2007 cplusplus programming

A while back I blogged about wrapping native c++ classes inside managed .net classes using c++/cli, and while that blog detailed wrapping up a class with methods and properties I did not go over how to map across boost::signal’s to the .net event model.

Below we have a native c++ class which has the ability to copy files and notify listening classes of it’s progress in doing so.

Unmanaged Class Interface

class FileCopier
    typedef struct {
        long BytesCount;
        long BytesCopied;
        std::string CurrentFile;
    } CopyProgressEvent;

    typedef boost::signal<void (CopyProgressEvent)>

    CopyProgressEventHandler;//progress callback signature

    // add a listener to copy progress events
    void AddCopyProgressListener(CopyProgressEventHandler::slot_type listener);

    CopyProgressEventHandler _handler;

The AddCopyProgressListener class accepts a pointer to a suitable callback function that conforms to the signature void(CopyProgressEvent) and adds that callback to the event handler

which can be used to notify all listeners of the event. All well and good so now to wrap it up in .net goodness using c++/cli. We’ll be using the managed wrapper class I wrote in a previous blog entry (here) as the basis for the file copier wrapper.

The full interface for the wrapper class is shown below, in order for this to work we have to duplicate the copyProgressEvent in a managed class and supply our own delegate class and event for managed listeners to subscribe to. The notifyListeners method is what takes an unmanaged copyProgress event, wraps it up in its managed equivalent and passes it off to the event handler

Managed Class Interface

public ref class ManagedCopyProgressEvent {
    long BytesCount;
    long BytesCopied;
    System::String^ CurrentFile;

public ref class ManagedFileCopier: ManagedEntityBase<FileCopier>
    delegate void CopyProgressEventHandler(ManagedCopyProgressEvent^ args);
    event CopyProgressEventHandler^ OnCopyProgress;


public private:
    void NotifyListeners(CopyProgressEvent args);

Okay, so the interface makes sense to any .net classes wanting to subscribe to the copyprogress events, but how are we going to do the behind the scenes routing of the boost::signal event such that notifyListeners gets called at the appropriate times? If we were working with native c++ classes we can happily used boost::bind to turn the notfyListeners member function into a suitable callback for the signals event, however because NotifyListeners is part of a managed class, this approach doesn’t work so we have to take a slightly more roundabout approach.

The notifier proxy

This is where the function below comes in. Its purpose is to provide a valid function for boost::bind to use as a callback, but also to keep a reference to our managed class so that NotifyListeners can be called when a boost::signals event is fired (This should hopefully make more sense when we actually hook all these pieces up in the managed classes constructor)

void NotifyProxy(gcroot<ManagedFileCopier ^> this_,CopyProgressEvent args) 

Putting it all together

The implementation of the constructor is where the notifier proxy gets hooked up to the unmanaged boost signals event. Using boost::bind we use the notifyProxy function and the instance of the managed class to create a callback for the unmanaged boost::signal.

ManagedFileCopier::ManagedFileCopier() : ManagedEntityBase(new FileCopier(),true) 

The implementation of the NotifyListeners method is pretty straightforward, we create a new instance of a managedCopyProgressEvent then copy the unmanagd attributes over before passing the object as an argument to the .net OnCopyProgress event.

void ManagedFileCopier::NotifyListeners(CopyProgressEvent args)
    ManagedCopyProgressEvent^ mArgs = gcnew CopyProgressEvent();
    mArgs->BytesCopied = args.BytesCopied;
    mArgs->BytesCount = args.BytesCount;

So there you have it! thats how you can route events from the boost::signals library though to managed .net code. Below is an example of some c# code using the managed class we’ve written.

ManagedFileCopier fc = new ManagedFileCopier();

fc.OnCopyProgress += new ManagedFileCopier.CopyProgressEventHandler(OnCopyProgress);

void OnCopyProgress(ManagedCopyProgressEvent args)
    // ...

Film extravaganza

Posted on Nov 21, 2007

I don’t just write code you know, In fact from time to time I have been known to take camera in hand and record what one could describe as short films, heres a few I’ve done in the past which I’ve finally got round to uploading to youtube. Enjoy.

The prophet

Map of your head

Interrogation Film II: Hertzogs revenge - Official Trailer

Interrogation Film II: Hertzogs revenge - Opening chase scene

The trip to c++/cli with unexpected results

Posted on Sep 16, 2007 cplusplus programming

I recently had reason to want a virtual file system (i.e a wrapper around the physical file system such that various archive files were enumerated as if they were folders for easy navigation and reading of those files) for use in a C# application. Fortunately I had a piece of code which I had already written… except for one small probelm, the entire thing was written in unmanaged c++.

So armed with the meagre knowledge that there was some way to wrap up native assemblies using some manner of managed c++ ( the latest iteration of which is named c++/cli), I headed off into the scary world of .net/native interop to try and save myself a rewrite of all my code.

c++/cli is the only .net language capable of using managed and unmanaged code in a single assembly, so while being extremely powerful its also extremely complicated as you have a superset of both .net and unmanaged c++ features and all the issues with interoping between them all in a single language. To cut the suspense from this tale, I’ll say that I was able to wrap up my unmanaged code without (too many) problems, this included mapping across getter/setter methods as properties, boost::signal callbacks as .net delegates and events and managing the memory of my unmanaged objects within thier managed wrappers.

So without further ado, here are a few useful peices of code and patterns that I used to make wrapping unmanaged entities easier.

Pattern the first: mapping strings

While primitive types such as int’s and bools can be passed back and forth between managed and unmanaged code with no conversion, c++’s std::string and .net’s string classes need to be mapped explicitly.
Mapping to .net strings from c++ is relatively simple and can be accomplished using the code below

std::string nativeStr;
nativeStr = "hello world";
System::String^ ManagedStr = gcnew System::String(nativeStr.c_str());

Mapping from c++ back to .NET is a little bit more complicated but can be accomplished with the function below

std::string MarshalString ( System::String^ s)
    const char* chars = (const char*)(
    std::string os = chars;


    return os;

Pattern the second, wrapping managed objects

The two classes below provide a simple means to wrap an unmanaged entity within a managed entity. The templated constructor allows you to pass an unmanaged entity to wrap up and whether the managed wrapper is responsible for freeing the memory of the unmanaged entity upon being garbage collected.

adds some useful utility methods to classes that want to
interop between managed and unmanaged code
public ref class EntityBase {
public private:
    static std::string MarshalString ( System::String^ s)
        const char* chars = (const char*)(

        std::string os = chars;

        return os;

provides a means to wrap an unmanaged type inside a managed
template <typename T> public ref class ManagedEntityBase: EntityBase
    virtual ~ManagedEntityBase()
        if (_ownsNativeEntity) {
            delete _nativeEntity;

public private: //equivalent to internal in c#
    property T *NativeEntity {
        T *get()
            return _nativeEntity;

    ManagedEntityBase(T *nativeEntity,bool ownsNativeEntity) {
        _nativeEntity = nativeEntity;
        _ownsNativeEntity = ownsNativeEntity;

    T *_nativeEntity;
    bool _ownsNativeEntity;

below is an example of how to use these classes

class UnmanagedClass {
    virtual ~UnmanagedClass(){}

    int Foo() {return 1;}

public ref class ManagedClass: ManagedEntityBase<UnmanagedClass> {
    ManagedEntityBase(new UnmanagedClass(),true) {}
    virtual ~ManagedClass(){}

    int Foo() { return NativeEntity->Foo(); }

Then after referencing the above c++/cli assembly we can access the managed wrapper in c# with the following

ManagedClass mc = new ManagedClass();
int bar = mc.Foo();

As for mapping boost::signal callbacks to .NET events and delegates, that was a little more tricky and will be the topic of another days post :)

Hasta Luevo.

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